Please leave comments about your CFCM experiences!!


7 Responses

  1. I have been vowing to get into shape for quite some time. I quit smoking 7 years ago, and have been on the food and excuse train since then.

    In the summer, I joined a “traditional” gm (yet again). I was told to start out doing the cardio for 45 minutes to an hour, and after a month or two, start working in the weights.

    One day, my MP3 player ran out of battery. It was th worst 45 minutes ever. I thought to myself, “If I need this to get through a workout, I am doing something wrong”!

    A few months ago, I ran into a friend I hadn’t seen in a while. He looked phenomenal. I asked him what he had been doing, and he told me about Crossfit.

    Probably more out of curiosuty than anything, I visited Cross Fit Center Mass. I did the introductory with Mike H., and signed up for the fundamentals class.

    I have been working out there ever since that time (about 2 months). I cannot stress enough how muh of a different experience this is. I can;t wait to get to the gym every morning.

    Here, you work hard, you need to be focused, it’s competetive, and you are being coached all of the way. Not to mention, all of your “classmates” are continually encouraging and helping.

    My first thought was that this was a little expensive for a gym membership. But I HAD to try it, beause I felt the traaditional model was just too BORING for me. Now, I can’t believe how much you get for the money.

    The coaches are phenomenal, the program WORKS, and their nutritional program doesn’t leave me feeling hungry. And, by the way, I lost 25 lb in my first six weeks, Eating three healthy meals, plus snacks and working out.

    If you are on the fence about Crossfit, my advice is this: TRY IT! I am willing to bet it is the best workout experience you’ll ever have.

  2. Being a college athlete I needed a place to work out over winter break. I was bored of traditional gyms and wanted a place that would provide a positive atmosphere where I could be pushed to make large gains in a short amount of time.

    A teammate of mine told me about crossfit. After one workout I loved it and decided it was for me. In just four weeks I gained six pounds of muscle, increased my squat by 30 lbs, my deadlift by 50 lbs, and my press, bechpress, and powerclean by 20 lbs.

    Anyone looking to get in shape, lose fat, gain strength and muscle, while at the same time having fun and being pushed physical and mentally to accomplish things they never thought possible should try crossfit. You will never get bored and you will get results.

    Thanks, Nate, Tim, Kyle and everyone at CFCM

  3. In March of 2009 I had a primary care appointment and my doctor told me my blood pressure and cholesterol were too high. If I had been one of his older patients, he would have immediately prescribed medications to help lower both. He did however give me the opportunity to change my diet and workout.
    The plan was to see a big change in 4-6 months, but to check in every 6 weeks. I had been like most average joes, attending a globo or something similar to that style gym on and off since college. I knew I had to make a big change so I asked my old friend from St. John’s what I should do. Steve Davis said you need to go where I go, CROSSFIT CENTER MASS! GO TODAY and change your life! So I did.
    As I approached my first primary care check-up I was pretty nervous because I had to cancel the 6 week date and the only one available was 4 weeks after I had started working out. With much trepidation I walked into my doctor’s office, he slapped on the BP cuff, took my pressure and he said ‘hmph’ checked my pulse and again said ‘hmph’. He looked at me and said, ‘so I thought we weren’t going to prescribe you medications, but they seem to be working great’. I answered ‘no meds, this just all working out at Crossfit!!!’ He was in utter disbelief, I had to show him the brochure and give him a quick example of a workout. He then wanted to know the name and address for my gym immediately so that he could recommend it to other patients. In 4 weeks my resting heart rate had dropped 12 points and my blood pressure had dropped 14 points.
    That was done by working out alone, not paying much attention to the diet. Now the diet part starts.
    A big thank you to Tim, Nate, Kyle, Mike, Steve Davis and all the other members who help push you along everyday!

  4. I started out at 260 lbs and couldn’t do A LOT of the exercises but having a trainer on site with every workout and more than willing to help you do it right no matter how much work it takes for you to get it right. When I started I could barely do 1 pull up with the green band. I am now able to do 10 unassisted pull-ups. I just weighed myself the other day and I am now 220 lbs. People get discouraged by the money you spend for a membership to this incredible experience but the way I justified it was I easily spent $80 dollars a month in alcohol and how could I not do it to get back in shape. To everyone that has helped me out thank you very much and thank you for helping me to keep it going..

  5. i’ve been working out for 20+ years with the typical ‘lulls’ one experiences from time to time. i have never had the kind of results that i get with crossfit and in such a short amount of time. the workouts are quick and sweat is guaranteed! everyday is different so i don’t get bored with the same old routine. crossfit kicks butt!

  6. Like many others, I spent my teens and 20’s drinking lots of beer and eating crappy food, and it didn’t matter much because I was young, worked out a lot and played several sports. It started catching up with me after a broken leg needed surgery. Add in changes like work, having kids, buying a house, 30’s, and before I knew it, I was an absolute mess.

    Then some friends started doing Crossfit and were getting in great shape, so I had to try it. My initial goal was simple: We had another baby due in 6 months and I didn’t want to look like a slob in the baby pictures. CFCM helped me reach this goal, and exceed it like I never imagined possible. I lost more weight than I expected faster than I expected, about 50 pounds in 10 months, and then actually started trying to put on weight.

    Performance increased more than I expected too. In March 2010, after 10 months of CF, I went to a 5K race just to benchmark myself. I took first place and was in total shock, not what I was expecting at all. I wasn’t a runner before and certainly never won a race, hadn’t even run much over the winter. Since then I’ve finished in the top percentiles in events like the Worcester Half Marathon, Spartan Race, and the Canal Diggers 5K.

    The community at CFCM is a class act too. I owe so much to the trainers and members, too much to even begin to write about. Because of them, my life is different than it was 18 months ago. To put it simply; Do what they say and you will see results. If I had joined a typical gym and dieted on my own, I probably would have lost a few pounds and gained some strength. But Crossfit Center Mass turned me into an athlete again.

  7. I’ve been crossfitting at Crossfit Center Mass for the last year and would find it tough to train at a conventional gym again.

    As a fitness enthusiast, I was at a crossroad with my workouts.  I was bored and my previous gym lacked the energy I needed to motivate me to reach my potential and maximize my training efforts.  I was fortunate to come across an article mentioning Crossfit workouts.  I immediately googled “Crossfit” and found myself at Crossfit Center Mass later that week.   I thought of myself as someone in good shape, but was humbled by my first WOD.  I realized I was certainly not “fit” by Crossfit standards.  I instantly felt energized, excited and loved the feeling of training in this new environment.  I was hooked on Crossfit because the prescribed workouts forced me to think and train outside my comfort level.


My experience has been extremely positive because of the trainers, members and varied workouts.  At Crossfit Center Mass the trainers are exceptional and motivate you to do your personal best.  Not only are the trainers great, but so are at the members.  Crossfit has a healthy competitive environment where every member supports and encourages one another.

    As I reflect on my Crossfit experience this year I am proud of my accomplishments.  My strength, endurance and aerobic capacity have significantly improved.  I’m able to perform Olympic lifts I never thought possible and have participated in two 1/2 marathons this past year. Recently I ran the BAA half marathon finishing at a comfortable 2 hours by training solely with Crossfit WODS. Crossfit gives you the physical abilities and mental toughness to personally succeed at any fitness challenge you take on.  I am proud to say that I have achieved my Crossfit “prescribed” skill level this year.

    Even though I may not be able to perform all WODS as prescribed (that is what scaling is for) I always give my workouts 100%.  I love the Crossfit experience and how it positively has affected me.  I am challenged every day especially since many times I am working out with members 10 to 25 years younger than myself. The best part of Crossfit Center Mass is being part of an amazing group of talented athletes who motivate me to bring out my best every WOD.  Crossfit Center Mass will help you achieve your fitness potential. If you attend a few sessions you might just get hooked like I did!

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